Portuguese 101: Essential Words and Phrases for Everyday Life in Portugal

Learn essential phrases, practical tips, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the language. Start your journey to navigate Portugal with confidence!

Living in Lisbon
March 18, 2025

Portuguese is the official language of Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, São Tomé andPríncipe, and East Timor. It is a Romance language that shares many similarities with Spanish, Italian, and French.

If you are planning to visit Portugal or any other Portuguese-speaking country, it's a good idea to learn some basic Portuguese words and phrases to make your stay more enjoyable and easier. In this article, we'll provide you with essential words and phrases for everyday life in Portugal.

Greetings and Basic Phrases

Knowing how to say hello and basic phrases is essential for any traveler in a foreign country. Portuguese people are friendly and welcoming, so don't be shy to say "Olá" (Hello) or "Bom dia" (Good morning) to people you meet.

English Portuguese
Hello Olá
Good morning Bom dia
Good afternoon Boa tarde
Good evening Boa noite
Goodbye Adeus
Please Por favor
Thank you Obrigado/Obrigada*
You're welcome De nada
Excuse me Desculpe
Sorry Desculpa
Yes Sim
No Não
I don't understand Não percebo
Do you speak English? Fala inglês?

*Use "Obrigado" if you're a man and "Obrigada" if you're a woman.


Knowing numbers in Portuguese is useful for buying things, understanding prices, and asking for directions.

English Portuguese
Zero Zero
One Um
Two Dois
Three Três
Four Quatro
Five Cinco
Six Seis
Seven Sete
Eight Oito
Nine Nove
Ten Dez

Days of the Week

Learning the days of the week in Portuguese can help you schedule appointments, meetings, or activities.

English Portuguese
Monday Segunda-feira
Tuesday Terça-feira
Wednesday Quarta-feira
Thursday Quinta-feira
Friday Sexta-feira
Saturday Sábado
Sunday Domingo

Months of the Year

Knowing the months of the year is helpful when making plans or scheduling events.

English Portuguese
January Janeiro
February Fevereiro
March Março
April Abril
May Maio
June Junho
July Julho
August Agosto
September Setembro
October Outubro
November Novembro
December Dezembro

Basic Conversations

Here are some useful phrases for basic conversations you may have while in Portugal:

English Portuguese
What is your name? Qual é o seu nome?
My name is _______ O meu nome é _______
Where are you from? De onde é que é?
I am from _______. Eu sou de _______.
How old are you? Quantos anos tem?
I am _______ years old Eu tenho _______ anos
How are you? Como está?
I'm good, thanks Estou bem, obrigado/a
What's new? Novidades?
Not much, and you? Não muito, e tu?
Where is the bathroom? Onde fica a casa de banho?
How much does it cost? Quanto custa?
Can you help me? Pode ajudar-me?
I'm sorry, I don't understand Desculpe, não percebo
Can you repeat that, please? Pode repetir, por favor?

Food and Drinks

Portugal is famous for its delicious cuisine, and trying traditional dishes is a must-do when visiting the country. Here are some words and phrases related to food and drinks that may come in handy:

English Portuguese
Menu Menu
Appetizer Entrada
Main course Prato principal
Dessert Sobremesa
Water Água
Wine Vinho
Beer Cerveja
Coffee Café
Tea Chá
Bread Pão
Cheese Queijo
Fish Peixe
Meat Carne
Salad Salada
Soup Sopa

Travel and Transportation

If you're planning to explore Portugal, knowing some words and phrases related to travel and transportation can make your trip easier.

English Portuguese
Airport Aeroporto
Train Comboio
Bus Autocarro
Taxi Táxi
Subway/Metro Metro
Ticket Bilhete
Schedule Horário
Platform Plataforma
Departure Partida
Arrival Chegada
Stop Paragem
Exit Saída
Entrance Entrada
Road Estrada
Map Mapa
Direction Direção

Emergency Phrases

Hopefully, you won't need to use these phrases, but it's always better to be prepared.

English Portuguese
Help! Socorro!
Call the police! Chame a polícia!
Call an ambulance! Chame uma ambulância!
Where is the hospital? Onde fica o hospital?
Fire! Fogo!
Be careful! Cuidado!

Tips for Learning Portuguese

Learning a new language can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be fun and rewarding. Here are some tips for learning Portuguese:

  1. Practice, practice, practice - Try to use Portuguese words and phrases in your daily life as much as possible, even if it's just to say "obrigado" to someone.
  2. Watch movies and TV shows in Portuguese - This is a great way to get used to the rhythm and sounds of the language. You can also turn on subtitles in Portuguese to help you understand.
  3. Use language-learning apps - There are many apps available that can help you learn Portuguese, such as Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone.
  4. Find a language exchange partner - If you can, find someone who speaks Portuguese and is willing to practice with you. This can be a great way to improve your conversation skills and learn more about the culture.
  5. Immerse yourself in the language - If possible, visit Portugal and immerse yourself in the language and culture. This can be a great way to improve your skills and gain confidence.

Portuguese is a beautiful and fascinating language that is spoken by millions of people around the world. Whether you're planning to visit Portugal or simply want to learn a new language, knowing the basics of Portuguese can be incredibly helpful. By practicing your skills and immersing yourself in the language and culture, you can quickly become proficient in Portuguese and start communicating with confidence. So, give it a try and boa sorte (good luck)!

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